Lasers Over Los Angeles – Laser Cutting Service

Cotton / Polyester / Other Fabrics

Laser cutting fabric is a great way to get your pattern pieces cut much more intricately than would be possible with a standard die cut. Synthetic fabrics like polyester will cut with sealed edges, preventing fraying. Because these fabrics melt we generally just cut them in a single layer rather than stacking them as they fuse together and rip when the layers are pulled apart.

Organic fabric like cotton will have extremely clean edges but to get sealed edges it is always best to cut with a fabric blend with at least a little bit of polyester to get some sort of edge seal if they are not being edge-sewn. 100% organic fabrics like cotton, silk etc can be cut in stacks to reduce cutting time and therefore cost as the layers will not stick together.

We don’t cut anything with Spandex or Lycra in it, even if it is just a little bit as it contains polyurethane and makes hydrogen cyanide which is bad bad not good.

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Lasers Over Los Angeles - Laser Cutting Service