Lasers Over Los Angeles – Laser Cutting Service

Laser Scoring

Turning the Laser into A Light-Emitting Pen

Scoring is generally the same process as cutting except that we reduce the amount of power to the laser which leaves a thin dark line on the surface of your material. The laser is still following vector information which makes the lines very precise but it can be as expressive as your file. For a thicker or thinner lineweight we can focus or defocus the laser generally between .008″ on the thin side (more like a rapidograph) and 3/16″ on the thicker side (like scribbling with a sharpie).


Common Uses of Laser Scoring

A hand-drawn design translated into a vector file can be burned into a wide variety of materials consistently, adding details to an architectural model facade or baseplate, adding indexing letters or numbers to a topographic model to aid in assembly, to add a particular texture to the surface of a material when tactility is important, we can also do dotted and dashed lines which we often use when scoring paper for folding so as not to blow through the material if it is very thin.

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Lasers Over Los Angeles - Laser Cutting Service